Use Better PDF Explorer for Jira from Midori to export a table grid to PDF

Use Better PDF Explorer for Jira from Midori to export a table grid to PDF


The Better PDF Explorer for Jira allows to export an issue to pdf - this faq details how to configure the add-on to export a table grid

This FAQ has been made possible by the people from Midori - the creators of the add-on.
Check the discussion on Atlassian Answers

More details on the JIRA PDF View Plugin can be found on their marketplace listing.

How to configure the add-on

The add-on is providing editable templates (Administration -> ... -> PDF Templates). 
Edit the issue-fo.vm and add following code section at the right location. 

(Note: Family List is the name of the table grid editor field)

#set ($customfieldId = "Family List") #set ($customfield = $customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName($customfieldId)) #set ($moduleDescriptor = $customfield.getCustomFieldType().getDescriptor()) #set ($fieldLayoutItem = ${fieldLayout.getFieldLayoutItem($customfield.id)}) #set ($htmlMarkup = $moduleDescriptor.getViewHtml($customfield, "htmlMarkup", $issue, $fieldLayoutItem)) #set ($htmlMarkup = $htmlMarkup.trim()) ## remove all <div ...> tags #foreach($j in [1..10]) #set($s = $stringutils.indexOf($htmlMarkup, "<div")) #if($s != -1) #set($e = $stringutils.indexOf($htmlMarkup, ">", $s)) #if($e != -1) #set($e = $e + 1) #set($htmlMarkup = $stringutils.remove($htmlMarkup, $stringutils.substring($htmlMarkup, $s, $e))) #end #end #end ## remove all </div> tags #set($htmlMarkup = $stringutils.remove($htmlMarkup, "</div>")) ## remove table tag without valid rows (NB: this is a bug in Table Grid) #set($e = $stringutils.indexOf($htmlMarkup, '_grid"></table>')) #if($e != -1) #set($s = $stringutils.lastIndexOf($stringutils.substring($htmlMarkup, 0, $e), "<table")) #if($s != -1) #set($e = $e + 15) #set($htmlMarkup = $stringutils.remove($htmlMarkup, $stringutils.substring($htmlMarkup, $s, $e))) #end #end <fo:block color="green"> $pdfRenderer.htmlToFo($htmlMarkup) </fo:block>


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