Table Grid Editor (legacy) Documentation
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Getting started
Dev docs
Release History
Access the grid data using REST
All table grids are empty after a JIRA migration
Bob Swift's "Create on Transition" integration
Change a string column into a textarea column
Changes are not logged in the activity and history section
Check if all actions have status 'Done'
Column type change is not displaying data correctly
Compatibility with Other Plugins
Conditional Default Value
Copy the grid content to another grid
Do you have a restriction on the length of a customfield value?
DT_UPD and JIRA_USER_UPD are not visually updated after In-cell editing
Enable / disable individual toolbar buttons
Exporting Table Grid data for multiple issues
"gd.query.row" does not work with grid reload
GenericEntityException while saving grid configuration
Grid data is duplicated when creating a second issue in fullscreen mode
Grid definition does not contain property "gd.tablename"
Grid tables are not included in the XML backup
How are the table record identifiers generated?
How does Table Grid Editor manage data source connections
How is the grid table identifier calculated
How large a table can be kept in Jira using the grid
How to build a column containing a list of project components
How to change background color of grid cells depending on its content
How to clear the data from the grid on the transition screen using Jira Suite Utilities
How to configure a column which lists all the users who have a role in the containing project
How to configure a file list picker
How to disable excessive hibernate logging
How to enable debug logging permanently
How to enable hibernate logging
How to enable temporarily debug logging
How to ensure that the grid has been modified when creating an issue
How to import/read large objects in postgresql
How to import rows into a grid (Synchronizer)
How to insert data into a grid table
How to install an idalko issued license
how to limit the user lookup to a group
How to remove the 'Notification exists for uninstalled and unrequested plugin' after unstalling the addon
How to retrieve all table configurations using SQL
How to specify a correct condition
How to update your trial license
IE8 Compatibility issue and JIRA 6.1: No grids are rendered in IE-8 after edit submit
Initializing rows from a multi select custom field
Is it possible to initialize the grid with external data from custom fields?
Jira 7.10 compatibility
Link to attachments from a table grid column
Migrate TGE data to another jira instance
Multi Level Cascade field values are missing
Multiple configuration contexts support
Not all duplicates cleared when the grid data is persisted in a postgres based datastore
Required field validation error is not displaying
Send us data about your support case
Servicedesk add-on 2.3.3 compatibility problem
Service Desk Compatibility
SQL Warning: -1100, SQLState: 02000; no data
String columns are trimmed when starting with 0
"Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated" warning
Table grid does not display when you create subtask automatically
Table Grid Editor - response to Log4j vulnerability - CVE-2021-44228
Table grid has problems displaying more than 32,767 characters in edit mode
The grid has problems connecting to the database
Unicode data is corrupted in text area column with PostgreSQL
Updating a release candidate to a final version fails
Use Better PDF Explorer for Jira from Midori to export a table grid to PDF
Use groovy script to transform a grid into subtasks
Use the cascading and driving table to provide a dynamic selection
Use the 'email this issue' plugin to send the content of a grid by mail
Using list values of type 'number' in a formula related to a column of type integer doesn't generate the correct results
Using scripted fields to extract information from the grid (old)
Using scripted fields to extract information from the grid using the table grid API
Validate grid data on transition
What is the performance impact of the table grid editor ?
What MySQL privileges are required to use Table Grid Editor
What versions of database are we testing the tablegrid editor against
When are formulas recalculated ?
When switching issuetype or project in the issue edit (create) popup, entered data is not saved
Where does Table Grid Editor store the data?
"Could not execute JDBC batch update" error after the data import to PostgreSQL
Table Grid Migration Tool
Apps Diagrams
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Table Grid Editor (legacy) Documentation
Change a string column into a textarea column