How to install an idalko issued license


There are a couple of countries where the Atlassian marketplace is not allowed to sell add-on licenses.  
To provide companies in these countries access to the add-on, iDalko will issue another type of license.
This FAQ details out how to install such license


Steps when the add-on is not installed yet 

  • Install the add-on (either through the marketplace or by downloading the jar from the marketplace and uploading it directly)

  • Close the dialog box when the UPM proposes to get a license

  • Refresh the page

  • Under the 'plugin' menu, find the 'iDalko Table Grid Editor', upload the license file and hit install


Here is a small movie showing how to proceed




Steps when the add-on was already installed

In case the add-on was already installed and the trial license is expired, you first need to clear the license box.

  • Select Manage 'Add-on'

  • Locate the idalko Table Grid Editor in the list and expand the section

  • Clear the license box (by deleting the existing license) and hit update

  • Access the idalko table grid - license details 

  • Follow the steps of the section above