Initializing rows from a multi select custom field
Initializing rows from a multi select custom field
This question was raised on Atlassian answers
I'm trying to take the options from a multi-select list on an issue and initialize a table grid. I want to put each selected item from the custom field in a different row for the table grid. Is there a way to do this ?
This can be done by configuring gd.query to retrieve the selected values.
An example query (here specific for mysql) would look like following snippet - with 10070 the customfield id
gd.query = SELECT cfo.customvalue \
FROM jira.customfieldoption cfo \
inner join customfieldvalue cfv \
on cfo.customfield = cfv.customfield \
and cfo.id = cast(cfv.STRINGVALUE as decimal) \
where cfo.customfield = 10070 \
and cfv.issue = {issue:id}
When hitting the reload button, the query will be run again, replacing all rows which have
not been modified. This behaviour can be adapted with the gd.query.keepOnRefresh property