Exporting Table Grid data for multiple issues
Exporting Table Grid data for multiple issues
You can export the Table Grid data for a single issue or for an entire set of issues. How to export the data for multiple issues?
For example, export a set of issues to see all table grid entries where project = MYPROJECT.
You will need access to the database where the grid table is stored.
Assume that your grid table is called actions_c10123 and is stored in the same database as JIRA then you can export the table rows using a query like below:
select gridtable.*
from actions_c10123 gridtable
inner join jiraissue ji on gridtable.issueid = ji.id
inner join project p on ji.project = p.id
where p.pname = 'MYPROJECT'
The name of the gridtable and the database where the gridtable is stored can be configured through the properties gd.tablename and gd.ds.
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