What MySQL privileges are required to use Table Grid Editor
What are the privileges required for the table grid when connecting to a mysql database ?
There are 2 points regarding this question
If the user is using jira as datasource, i.e
col.<column name>.query.ds=jira
there is no need to worry about permissions because jira is providing the plugin with the connection and the plugin doesn't need neither username nor password
If some other mysql datasource is configured, for example
gd.columns=alist col.alist=list col.alist.type=list col.alist.query=select plane_name from test_data col.alist.query.ds=gridds datasource.names=gridds ds.gridds.connection.type=mysql ds.gridds.connection.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/igrid_test?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF8&jdbcCompliantTruncation=false ds.gridds.connection.username=igrid_tester ds.gridds.connection.password=igrid_tester