How to find browser logging in Internet Explorer 10 (IE10, IE11)

How to find browser logging in Internet Explorer 10 (IE10, IE11)

Step-by-step guide


  1. Press F12 (or, alternatively, click the gear button at the top right of the IE > click F12 Developer Tools)
    the developer toolbox (typically, at the bottom of the screen) would appear
  2. With the Developer Toolbox around, browse to your JIRA
  3. With the Developer Toolbox around, reproduce the problem

    Also a screenshot of the issue, demonstrating the problem may become very helpful. 

    Thus, if the security considerations allow you to do a screenshot of the problem, we would very much appreciate it.

  4. In the developer toolbox, go to the Console tab
  5. Copy the logging by right clicking any item in the Console > Copy all to the support case


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