Gathering data from the customer portal requests

Gathering data from the customer portal requests


In this use case, you will learn how to gather data from the Customer Portal Requests using Table Grid Next Generation app. Get more details about the customer's environment in a support request. 

You will also learn how to use several features in TGNG app such as:

How to create a grid

Column types

How to fill in a list with dynamic options

How to fill in a list with static options


You can gather information from the create request screen on your Jira Service Desk Customer's Portal with the help of the grid. For example, by setting the grid fields as required you can get all valuable data to start progress on a support ticket.

This helps to improve the support process with product information specified in a grid. 


  • User logged into their account, installed Table Grid Next Generation Server / Datacenter app

  • User created a related Jira project

  • User had the admin role on Jira 

  • User had a database system such as: MySQL, Postgres, SQL Server, etc.


  • User can use the grid to update related information for the list of items

  • User can create issues using the Environment Details grid

  • User can download/upload the Configuration for personal usage

  • User can add more rows to support the customer service  


  • Required fields are marked with a red asterisk *

  • The grid must contain at least one column, or else it will show the pop-up message
    “Error table-config-column-config-required”.

  • The grid can be displayed in more than one project

  • When clicking the box Cell value required, user need to fill the information in the cell.

  • User have to set the name of Column to be an exact match with Column of the database.

    User need to type the correct statement for the “SQL query”. For example:

    SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name;

Flow chart diagram

Configure Environment Details Grid

Basic Flow






Navigate to Jira Administration by clicking button image-20240418-105313.png


Click Manage apps tab, in Table Grid section choose Grids 


In Grid Fields, click Add Grid button to add new grid


Fill information for “Name” and “Description” 

In this example, writer used

  • Name = “Environment Details

  • Description = “Environment Details usecase



In Configuration - Column, click Add new column to create new column


In Add Column, choose Single Select List in Column type

User fill information for Identifier and Title

Type “japp“ as Identifier and type “App” as Title

Tick the box Cell value required to make sure the value to be used in each cell of column.


In Dynamic options, choose JIRA for Data Source and type the SQL query:

SELECT pluginname FROM pluginversion

Refer https://developer.atlassian.com/server/jira/platform/database-schema/ to find database tables and table columns to extract the data you need from Jira Data source

  1. You need to open the schema corresponding to your Jira version
    (Example: Jira_9.0_schema)

  2. Find database tables and table columns


Note: Remove prefix such as “public.” when typing table_name in the SQL query

  1. Type the SQL query syntax:

SELECT [column_name] FROM [table_name]

In Mapping, for label, choose “pluginname”


Click to save the dynamic options

Click Add to save the information 


In Configuration - Column, click Add new column to create new column


In Add Column, choose Single Select List in Column type

User fill information for Identifier and Title

Type “jproductversion“ as Identifier and type “Product Version” as Title

Tick the box Cell value required to make sure the value to be used in each cell of column


In Dynamic options, choose JIRA for Data Source and type the SQL query:

SELECT pluginversion FROM pluginversion where pluginname = '{column:japp}'

In Mapping, for label, write “pluginversion”


Click to save the dynamic options

Click Add to save the information 


Click Add new column to create new column


In Add Column, choose Single Select List in Column type

User fill information for Identifier and Title

Type “jenvironment“ as Identifier and type “Environment” as Title

Tick the box Cell value required to make sure the value to be used in each cell of column


In Static options, add 2 labels “Jira Server” and “Jira Data Center”


Click Add to save the information 


Click Add new column to create new column


In Add Column, choose Single Select List in Column type

User fill information for Identifier and Title

Type “jjiraversion“ as Identifier and type “Jira Version” as Title

Tick the box Cell value required to make sure the value to be used in each cell of column


In Static options, add 2 labels “Jira 8” and “Jira 9”


Click Add to save the information 


Click Add new column to create new column


In Add Column, choose String in Column type

User fill information for Identifier and Title

Type “jcomment“ as Identifier and type “Comment” as Title


Click Add to save the information 


Click the button image-20240422-074746.png to add row in the grid, so your customer can fill information into it


Click Save to save the grid

Exceptional Flow

Users type wrong SQL query 

Continued from step #6 in the Basic Flow:




An “Errors” message appears 

Use case stops. 

Users click “Cancel” when saving the config

Continued from step #14 in the Basic Flow:




The system shows a pop-up message: “Exit without saving?”


User click Yes button

Use case stops. 

Use the Environment Details Grid in Customer Portal Request

Associate field to screens

  1. Click Issues tab, in Fields section choose Custom fields

  2. Click the button image-20240422-082527.png of the grid Environment Details
    Click Associate with screens

  1. Tick the box on all the screens of your project

  1. Click Update to save the config

Edit fields in Request Types

  1. Open your project, click image-20240422-083625.png on the Project bar to open Project settings

  2. Click Request types to open Request types list

  3. Click Edit fields on the Request type that you want to add the Table grid field. It is “Get IT help” in this case

  1. Click Add a field to add a custom field to the request form of this request type

  1. Tick the box “Environment Details” to add this field

  1. Click Apply to save the config

Customer’s view on the Portal Request

  1. Click Raise a request on the Project bar to navigate to Help Center

  2. Click “Get IT help” - the Request type that has been added the “Environment Details” field

  1. User fill the information in “Environment Details” field


On a create issue screen of the Customer Portal in Jira Service Desk, there's a grid which should be populated with required data. This is how it looks from the customer's side.

  1. Click Create to create request


Final result on Issue view

Finally, users can gather data that their customers have filled in the request form.


You have completed this use case. Thank you for reading!