How to configure a Single Select List or a Multi Select List column

How to configure a Single Select List or a Multi Select List column

In Table Grid Next Generation, you can create columns with lists.

Single Select List columns are drop-down lists with one selectable option:

In Multi Select List columns you can choose multiple options:

You can fill in the data for the lists manually, with Static options, or from a data source, with Dynamic options.

To create a Single Select List or a Multi Select List column:

  1. Press Add Grid to add a new grid, or press the edit button to edit an existing grid.

  2. Press Add new column to add a new column, or select an existing column to configure it.

  3. Select Single Select List or Multi Select List in Column type drop-down based on the list type you want to make.

  4. Fill in the necessary fields. Field descriptions:

    1. Identifier
      Unique variable that identifies the column. Required field.

    2. Title
      The name of the column, displayed in the grid.

    3. Default value
      The default value of the column.

    4. Cell value required
      If checked, the column is required.

    5. Cell can be edited
      If checked, the column can be edited when viewing an issue.

    6. Index data
      If checked, the column data is searchable with JQL.

    7. Open view settings
      Set width, height and position of the grid.

  5. Add Static options manually and (or) Dynamic options from a data source. They will be displayed as list items.

  6. Add Option attributes with if necessary. For more information about option attributes, check out How to add option attributes to a list .

  7. Summarise the column, if necessary. Enter the name of the summary column in the Summary Label field. Select the formula to summarize the column in the Aggregation operation.

See also

How to fill in a list with static options

How to fill in a list with dynamic options

How to configure a Formula column


Update grid data with Single Select List or Multi Select List columns

How to add option attributes to a list