Column types

Column types


This article describes the column types available in the grid.



Use this column type to enter a single line of text. By default the text is aligned left.


Use this type to add plain text, including paragraphs. The column is available for JQL search. You can set a maximum number of characters in the column configuration. To add a new paragraph in the table cell, please use Ctrl+Enter hotkey. 

By default the text is aligned left.

To add a custom formatting use the Wiki Markup. Check how to format text in textarea column for more details.

Text Effects

Makes text as deleted.



Makes text in citation.



Makes text as inserted.



Makes text in superscript.



Makes text in subscript.



To make an entire paragraph into a block quotation, place "bq. " before it.

To make an entire paragraph into a block quotation, place "bq. " before it.


h1. Biggest heading

h1. Biggest heading

h2. Bigger heading

h2. Bigger heading

h3. Big heading

h3. Big heading

h4. Normal heading

h4. Normal heading

h5. Small heading

h5. Small heading

h6. Smallest heading

h6. Smallest heading

Text break

Creates a line break. Not often needed, most of the time the wiki renderer will guess new lines for you appropriately.


Creates a horizontal ruler.


Produces symbol.


Produces symbol.



Creates a link to an external resource, special characters that come after the URL and are not part of it must be separated with a space.

The [] around external links are optional in the case you do not want to use any alias for the link.

[http://jira.atlassian.com] [Atlassian|http://atlassian.com]


Creates a link to an email address, complete with mail icon.




A bulleted list (must be in first column). Use more (**) for deeper indentations.

* some * bullet ** indented ** bullets * points


A list item (with -), several lines create a single list.

- different - bullet - types


A numbered list (must be in first column). Use more (##, ###) for deeper indentations.


Mixed nested lists


Makes a table. Use double bars for a table heading row.


Graphical emoticons

:) :( :P :D ;) (y) (n) (i) (/) (x) (!)


(+) (-) (?) (on) (off) (*) (*r) (*g) (*b) (*y) (flag)


Single Select List

Use this type to represent a drop-down list of options with single choice. There are static and dynamic options; you can combine them in one column.

You can configure dynamic options using an external data source

Multi Select List

Use this type to represent a list of options where you can pick multiple choices. There are static and dynamic options; you can combine them in one column.

You can configure dynamic options using an external data source


Use this type to store plane integer number. The values for the Integer column type should be in range from -2147483648 to 2147483647, inclusive. By default the text is aligned right.


Use this type to store number fields with a decimal. The largest positive finite value of type double is (2-2-52)·21023.

By default the text is aligned right.


Use this type to display a checkbox. By default the checkbox is not set. This type uses boolean values. 


Use this type to select a JIRA User from a dropdown list.  A cell displays User avatar alongside with the User display name.


Use this type to store date data. You can set custom format or select the predefined presets based on locale. The default format is set to 'L'.  


Use this type to store date and time data. You can set custom format or select the predefined date and time presets based on locale. The default format for is set to 'L' for date and 'hh: mm A' for time.


Use this column to store time data. You can set custom format or select the predefined presets based on locale. The default format is set to 'hh: mm A'.


Allows executing formula expression written in JavaScript.  Displays a result of the formula specified in the column configuration. 


Use this type to set an auto-countable column. Usually used to count the table rows. You can set a step size in the column configuration.

Default step is set to 1. You can use this column type in JQL search. 


Use this column type to add various types of attachments to your grid.

To upload a file in the grid press Upload.

Uploading is not available when you configure the grid and on the create issue screen.

The file name and format are displayed in the cell after uploading.

Attached files appear in the Attachments section of your Jira issue and in the drop-down list of attachments after saving the grid.

If you delete the attachment from the Attachments section, the attachments will not be available in the grid.


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