Column configuration

Column configuration


This guide will help you to configure a column. Let's start with adding a column to your grid.  


  1. Click Add new column button right below the Columns tab


  2. Select the Column type from the list below.  Check available column types here.


  3.  Add column details

    1. Identifier  - this is a unique variable to identify the column. It's a required field, so you need to set the desired value here.

    2. Title - column title, displayed in the grid. 

    3. Default value - you can set a default value for the column here. The value can be queried from Jira objects with the help of the placeholders.

    4. Cell value required  - check to make the column required.

    5. Cell can be edited  - check to make the column edited on the issue view.

    6. Index data - check to make the column data searchable

    7. View settings - you can set the column width, make it resizable, or hide the column from being used in a Jira or column value placeholder and in the formula column.


    8. Summary Label - allows setting a label, that will be used in the column summary.

    9. Aggregation Operation helps to summarize or aggregate the column data with a sum, average, min/max, count and use a custom formula

  4. Add the column.

Congratulations! You've just created your first column! Now you can add as many columns as you need.

Once all desired columns have been created, you need to Save the grid configuration.