Criteria based search content

Criteria based search content

Formal JQL syntax

You can query a grid content like on the example below. 

issue in grid("<gridname>", "<where clause>")


  • The  grid name is one of the names of the table grid editor custom fields as configured on your instance

  • The where clause is an SQL 'where' clause which will be used to select the matching issues.
    Note that this where clause is specific to the underlying database.  When moving tables from one database to another database, you will have to review the queries. 

Use case

Assume you have setup a grid to track a checklist as detailed in Issue type specific checklist. The grid contains following columns

  • Summary

  • Responsible

  • Status

You need to know which issues still have 'open' checkitems.

Within the JIRA advanced search (see also 'advanced searching'),  you create a JQL query in which you can refer to the table grid data as follows:


issue in grid("grid checklist", "status = 'Open'")

which returns all issues having a checklist where one of the rows has status 'open'

You can combine different criteria, like for example to select all the issues where the user 'Angelina Jolie' is responsible for a specific checkitem:

issue in grid("grid checklist", "status = 'Open' and responsible_name like 'Angelina%'")

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