Edit information

Edit information


You can switch to the grid edit mode when you create/edit issue or use the in-line editing functionality by clicking on the content of the grid.

In edit mode, you can update the information in the table grid, by changing existing rows, adding rows and/or deleting rows.

A table grid in edit mode looks like this:

Following functions are explained on this page:

Update information in a table grid

The table grid allows to edit the cells of individual rows, either by in-line editing or by using a pop-up form.

Inline editing

Inline editing is possible by just clicking on one of the cells in the table

Popup form editing

An alternative way to update an existing row of a table grid is using the popup form.

First Select the row you want to edit and click the little 'edit selected row' icon to call the popup form.

A popup edit form appears in which you can update the cells of the selected row.

Save or Cancel Changes

After changing one or more rows (adding, deleting, updating) the content of the table grid, either by using the inline edit or the popup form, you can still choose to save or cancel your updates.

Editing different cell types

Depending on the type of information type in the cell you will get another control to edit it's content.

Information TypeExampleComments
string, number, integer

When entering values in a number or integer cell, the grid will check if the value is a number.
Number and integer fields can have minimum and maximum constraints

text area

Start tying or changing your text.

Press enter to go to a new line
Press tab to go to the next cell

radio button
Choose the right value
List box

Example Simple drop-down box.

Select the right value

Example Autocomplete list box (for long lists)

Start typing, and you will be provided with a subselection from which you can choose the right value.


Dates are entered in tit he format in whixh the Table Grid is configured (in this example it is is 'YYYY-MM-DD' but your configuration may be different).

Alternatively you can use the date popup selector.


A table grid can have a column containing a sequence. This sequence is automatically maintained by the system; it is incremented for each
new row added to the grid. As a user you will not be able to change its value.
The value in the cell is assigned when the issue is saved (and the content of the grid is persisted to the database).

Pop up form editing

An alternative way to edit table grid rows  is using the popup form. To edit an existing row, select a row, and click the 'edit selected row' icon.

A dialog box will be presented, with all the editable columns presented in a form:

Add rows

There a multiple ways to add a row or multiple rows to a table grid.

Adding rows using the popup form

Within the edit mode of the table grid, choose the 'Add record' icon.
A popup form will appear in which you can add and update data in the different cells. Check edit information.

Adding multiple rows at once

An alternative method to add multiple rows is by using the 'Add multiple rows' function.

    • Enter the number of rows you want to add
    • Start to use the in-line edit capability. Check edit information
    • This function only works when the row data doesn't hold mandatory fields.

Adding rows by duplicating an existing row

A third method to add a row is by selecting a row and clicking the 'duplicate selected row' icon.

Save or Cancel Changes

After changing one or more rows (adding, deleting, updating) the content of the table grid, either by using the inline edit or the popup form, you can still choose to save or cancel your updates.

Delete rows

There are multiple ways to delete one or more table grid rows.

Delete a single row

  • Select the row
  • Hit the delete button
  • Confirm or Cancel this action.

Delete all rows

    • Hit the 'clear all data' button
    • Confirm or cancel this action

Delete all not modified rows

When the grid is initialized with data from the database, you can modify a couple of rows and then decide to remove all the other rows before saving the issue.


  • Click the 'Clear All Not Modified' icon.
  • Confirm or cancel this action.

Only the rows which are exactly the same as thier original (rows how have not been modifed) will be removed.

Delete all duplicate rows

Duplicate rows in a table grid can be deleted.
This is useful for instance when the grid is initialized.
Only the rows which are exactly the same for all columns will 'all but one' be removed.


    • Click the 'Clear All Duplicates' icon.
    • Confirm or cancel your action.


Save or Cancel Changes

After changing one or more rows (adding, deleting, updating) the content of the table grid, either by using the inline edit or the popup form, you can still choose to save or cancel your updates.