Version 1.0

Version 1.0

Version 1.0.0 - Early Access


Released: 11 October 2018

Custom field of type Grid

You can add a Grid as a custom field and manage data on the issue view using grid tables.

Grid on Service Desk Customer's Portal

Add tables on the Service Desk Customer's Portal

Issue level import CSV/XLS files

Now you can import data from the CSV and XLS files into the grid. 

REST data sources

Connect a data source located on an external web-server.  You can initialize the grid with the connected datasource.

Grid configuration dashboard

Edit grids using grids configuration dashboard under Add-ons - Grids

Dynamic list options

Use it to select options from the previously connected data source.


  • TGNG-7 - Custom field of type Grid

  • TGNG-9 - Grid JQL search: isEmpty and isNotEmpty

  • TGNG-10 - Grid custom field on Service Desk Customer’s Portal

  • TGNG-11 - Issue level import from CSV, XLS

  • TGNG-12 - REST Data Sources

  • TGNG-13 - List dynamic Options

  • TGNG-14 - Grid Initialization using Data Source

  • TGNG-26 - Grid configuration dashboard