Version 1.5


Version 1.5.1 

Released: 16 Oct 2019


  • TGNG-534 - Compatibility with Table Grid Migration Tool extension.

Version 1.5.0 

Released: 16 Sep 2019

Jira values placeholders

You can get data from Jira issue values and populate grid columns with this data. More details.

Spanish localization

We've added Spanish translation. Now if your Jira is using Spanish localization the Table  Grid Next Generation will be also in Spanish.


  • TGNG-186 - Added Jira Values support

  • TGNG-422 - Improved visibility of the aggregation value in a grid. 

  • TGNG-424 - Fixed Select list dynamic options to store value correctly

  • TGNG-438 - Added Spanish localization 

  • TGNG-311 - Fixed the calendar picker to display correctly in Date and DateTime columns. 

  • TGNG-423 - Fixed Mail Handler not able to create an issue with the grid

  • TGNG-439 - Fixed the grid view on Service Desk Customer Portal in Internet Explorer  11

  • TGNG-441 - Fixed the issue with cancel saving grid changes in Internet Explorer 11

  • TGNG-461 - Fixed the grid to display correctly on the Service Desk Customer's Portal 

  • TGNG-462 - Fixed the field context id is available for anonymous users

  • TGNG-464 - Fixed the view for grid configuration in Internet Explorer 

  • TGNG-465 - Fixed the grid scroll to work correctly in Internet Explorer 

  • TGNG-484 - Fixed the TGNG not to crash in case the database tables contain nulls

  • TGNGUI-443 - Fixed row ordering after CSV import

  • TGNGUI-431 - Improved error messages in the formula column

  • TGNGUI-417 - Fixed column footer width to be same as the column width

  • TGNGUI-380 - Fixed column resizing to work correctly

  • TGNGUI-382 - Fixed horizontal scroll in a grid

  • TGNGUI-438 - Fixed Grids page to display correctly in case you don't have any created grids

  • TGNGUI-437 - Fixed the userlist column to save the selected value 

  • TGNGUI-428 - Fixed the formula column aggregation to calculate the data correctly

  • TGNGUI-424 - Fixed errors on add row action

  • TGNGUI-423 - Fixed the grid to accept 0 as a value

  • TGNGUI-419 - Fixed alignment of the aggregation values 

  • TGNGUI-415 - Fixed the select list options to display correctly on Jira Service Desk

  • TGNGUI-405 - Fixed the grid to display correctly if it's placed in additional tabs on the issue view

  • TGNGUI-390 - Fixed the errors on the Jira Service Desk Customer's Portal 

  • TGNGUI-383 - Fixed the column cell focus to work correctly when using 'Tab'

  • TGNGUI-137 - Fixed behavior when multiple grids in issue edit/create mode

  • DC-43 - Fixed exporting of formula and sequence column types