How to search grid content with JQL search

How to search grid content with JQL search

You can search for specific issues by their grid values with Jira advanced search. Table Grid Next Generation is configured to index grid columns by default starting from 1.3.0 version.

If the grid was created in earlier versions 1.20 or lower, you should manually set columns indexing in the configuration.

To make a column searchable you need to check the Index data checkbox when configuring a column.


Use in grids as a JQL function to search by the grid's content. Check the syntax below.

All search values are case sensitive. So, if you have a grid named Grid1 with a column named Column 1, the query and column name in your search query should look like this:

issue in grids("Grid 1", "Column 1 = <search value>")


Search query syntax

issue in grids("<grid custom field name>", "<column name> <operator> <search value>")

Search by 2 parameters:

Search query syntax

issue in grids("<grid custom field name>", "<column name> <operator> <search value>","<column name> <operator> <search value>")

Search by 2 grids:

Search query syntax

issue in grids("<grid custom field name>", "<column name> <operator> <search value>") and issue in grid("<grid custom field name>", "<column name> <operator> <search value>")

Restricted words and characters

JQL search has a set of reserved characters:

space (" ") + . , ; ? | * / % ^ $ # @ [ ]

If you want to use these characters in your search queries, you need to:

  • surround them with quote-marks (you can use either single quote-marks (') or double quote-marks (")). For example: 

    issue in grids(“Grid quotes”, version = "[example]")
  • if you are searching a text and the character is on the list of reserved characters for text searches, surround them with two backslashes( \\ ). For example: 

    issue in grids(“Grid quotes”, ”Summary = \\[Jul 10]\\ - Invoice pending review”)

You can't search for many special characters in text fields using this method.


Below you find a detailed description of the operators that are used for advanced searching within the grid's content.  Each column type supports a set of the operators detailed in the table below.

Column type

Supported operators

Column type

Supported operators

String, Textarea

~; !~; =; !=; in; not in

Integer, Number 

=; !=; in; not in; <; <=; >; >=

Date, Time, DateTime

=; !=; in; not in; <; <=; >; >=

Single Select List, Multi Select List

=; !=; in; not in


=; !=; in; not in


=; !=; in; not in


=; !=; in; not in



Search issues by empty grids

You can search for all issues which contain a grid that is empty or is not empty. The grid is considered empty when it has not been modified. 

Check the examples below.

JQL query example

"Grid 1" IS NOT EMPTY 

JQL query example

"Grid 1" IS EMPTY 

Search issues by data from the grid

Find all issues which have grid Checklist with a column called Summary and text Onboarding

issue in grids("Checklist", "Summary~Onboarding")

Find all issues which have grid Shopping order with the column What sandwich that includes text Chicken

issue in grids("Shopping order", "What sandwich=Chicken")

Find all issues which have grid Testing with the column Summary that equals test and task

issue in grids("Testing", "Summary=test", "Summary=task", "status='open'") AND issue in grid("Grid2", "Summary=task")

Find all issues which have grid Checklist with the checked checkboxes(column name is Done; checked checkbox equals true)

Find all issues with the Checklist grid which have checkbox column and values are unchecked.

Find all issues which have grid Shopping order with the Price greater than 10

Find all issues with Team Workload grid which includes Sales team data. The query helps to find all the workload  for a specific team.

Find all issues that have a TGE Field grid with the currently assigned user picked in the Assignee column.