Release notes - Version 1.2
Release notes - Version 1.2
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Version 1.2.2
Release containing a demonstration license until May 29, 2012
Version 1.2
Date: 9 April 2012
This release was focused on enhancing the performance and stability of the plugin.
Quite a bit of optimizations have been done.
Release Notes - Table Grid Plugin - Version 1.2
** Bug
* [IGRID-384] - Grid in dialog box - doesn't show
* [IGRID-408] - In Jira 5.0 grid duplicates toolbar after popups were opened
* [IGRID-413] - In Jira 5.0 grid breaks "Create Issue" from Dashboard screen
* [IGRID-415] - In Jira 5.0 prepopulation to grid doesn't work
* [IGRID-418] - sql query alias mechanism dodgy
* [IGRID-440] - In Jira 5 external javascript library doesn't included for customfield in "create issue" popup on dashboard
* [IGRID-442] - JIRA 5: filtering shows incorrect number of total rows
* [IGRID-458] - Search for empty grids is broken
* [IGRID-467] - In Jira 5.0 - toolbar duplicated in popup windows
* [IGRID-468] - In Jira 5.0 - Cascading doesn't works correctly
* [IGRID-469] - In Jira 5.0 - Incorrect buttons styling in popup windows
* [IGRID-470] - In Jira 5.0 - Incorrect calendar styling with new theme
* [IGRID-471] - In Jira 5.0 - broken autocomplete field layout
* [IGRID-472] - In Jira 5.0 - Grid editing doesn't work
* [IGRID-473] - Production crashes after a couple of days
* [IGRID-500] - ERROR when running unit test are not catched
* [IGRID-507] - The mytical dissappearing filter field
* [IGRID-508] - [WARNING] [talledLocalContainer] WARNING: Parameters: Invalid chunk ignored.
* [IGRID-510] - column width is too narrow when editing a listcolumn in the grid itself
* [IGRID-512] - Grid cell validation is very slow
* [IGRID-514] - Data column is not saved when tabbing out of the field
* [IGRID-520] - die footer trekt op niks
* [IGRID-529] - de titel staat boven de navigatiebalk, miss beter eronder ?
* [IGRID-531] - Lege pagina ?
* [IGRID-532] - HOOFDLETTERS (kan ik niet aanpassen)
* [IGRID-533] - when and by whom (anders klopt de zin niet)
* [IGRID-535] - Problem with prepopulation using between 2 dates sentence in the where clause of the query
* [IGRID-536] - je zin is niet af
* [IGRID-537] - j500 - 404 when accessing license page
* [IGRID-539] - Grid collapses when put on a separate tab
* [IGRID-545] - Merge bug: in Jira 5.0 dependent cascading field is not updated when the master field is updated
* [IGRID-550] - Grid is not properly initialized when displaying it in a dialog box
* [IGRID-551] - Cupertino theme is not respected in all circumstances
* [IGRID-567] - Broken pool syndrome
* [IGRID-573] - Add row Form : Data lost
* [IGRID-574] - Message about gd.table missing but gd.table is put in the grid configuration
* [IGRID-580] - Clic on refresh reduce grid width
* [IGRID-591] - When updating a row using the edit form, data in the grid is only updated after refreshing the grid
* [IGRID-592] - Grid default values is not showed, sequences not calculated
* [IGRID-597] - initialization of grid fails when grid is reloaded due to a field validation error
* [IGRID-598] - grid rows are partially saved
** Improvement
* [IGRID-315] - Problem of text formatting in textArea
* [IGRID-407] - Customware license manager is not compatible with jira 5.0 beta1
* [IGRID-492] - The error message in case of a bad date should be improved
* [IGRID-526] - dit kan opvallender/beter gezegd worden, het moet ofwel opvallend zijn (een titel) of verwijderd worden (het is redelijk nutteloos anders en ziet er onprofessioneel uit)
* [IGRID-565] - Runtime validation should only run the static validation, and avoid querying the database
* [IGRID-569] - When creating a grid table put an index in issueid
* [IGRID-570] - Reduce the average issue create time
* [IGRID-587] - Validate release 1.2
* [IGRID-590] - Improvement when we select a value in a list
** Requirement
* [IGRID-240] - Make igrid compatible with JIRA 5.0
** Supportcase
* [IGRID-546] - Whacko memory usage when using the grid
** Task
* [IGRID-195] - In 1.0 version of grid the traduction english to french will have to be down
* [IGRID-352] - In Jira 5.0 create and edit screens are pop-up screens and the grid is not shown on them.
* [IGRID-506] - Valdiate STE-99
* [IGRID-518] - Setup profiling information.
* [IGRID-538] - Validate STE-99
* [IGRID-544] - Implement i18n for Jira 5.0
* [IGRID-566] - Load test the profiling server
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