Release Notes - version 1.13

Version 1.13.2

Released on June 24, 2014

Bugs fixed in this release

  • IGRID-2757 - Each time a list cascades, the edit popup form gets enlarged

  • IGRID-2800 - IE8: Unconstrained customfield-query filled list creates a scrollbar

  • IGRID-2820 - When a user exports an issue into printable view, the grids for that issue get prepopulated

  • IGRID-2832 - Remove the -j500 from the build as it breaks the UPM logic

  • IGRID-2857 - Date Popup pops up when not expected


  • IGRID-2769 - Add debug code which details out what run-time message is showed to the grid user

  • IGRID-2797 - Support for nFeed select input - single select

  • IGRID-2808 - Remove dependency on underscore.js (as it is included by greenhopper)

  • IGRID-2876 - TGE should be renderable on JIRA Agile screens

Version 1.13.1

Released on April 30, 2014


If you are updating 1.13.1-rc1 to 1.13.1, you will have to first uninstall the addon and then install it again from the marketplace.
This will not affect your current license, nor your existing configurations. 

Bugs fixed in this release

  • IGRID-2235 - Add/edit row popup with scrollbars

  • IGRID-2413 - Cannot filter on static list - labels

  • IGRID-2503 - String columns are trimmed when starting with 0

  • IGRID-2528 - Cascade list is broke on firefox

  • IGRID-2560 - Sorting of a list column is not on label but on value

  • IGRID-2562 - Cascading child default value should be empty when changing the parent

  • IGRID-2566 - Second grid is hiding first grid save buttons when inline editing the first grid

  • IGRID-2569 - Scrollbar in the add/edit row popup and button pushed out of the row for the fixed width autocomplete

  • IGRID-2590 - collapse icon is away and the grid vaporises when being collapsed

  • IGRID-2606 - When an column is hidden, tabbing fails

  • IGRID-2620 - Sorting over prepopulated rows should not be inverted

  • IGRID-2628 - Your Connection String for the MS SQL Data Source is incorrect

  • IGRID-2634 - How to fix Add Record PopUp display

  • IGRID-2646 - Pagination in create/ edit issue popups leads to horizontal resizing of the grid

  • IGRID-2660 - Error to set the number format

  • IGRID-2680 - Select element for list column out of popup bounds

  • IGRID-2684 - JQL Search: Check whether issue exists before checking permissions for it

  • IGRID-2719 - is broke when in grid view mode


  • IGRID-778 - Filter option is case sensitive it shouldn't be

  • IGRID-2054 - Usability request – when editing can the Tab key take me to the next row

  • IGRID-2578 - Avoid grid moving horizontally when going into inline edit

  • IGRID-2579 - Remove gradient from the select row highlight

  • IGRID-2667 - calculation should add x months (days, weeks, ...) to the current server date

  • IGRID-2689 - Adjust the width of select lists in add/ edit row popups to the broadest option in the list

Version 1.13

(Released Feb 25, 2014)

Release 1.13.0-rc1

  • In this version we add support for MS SQL Server.  Functionality has been tested on MS SQL Server 2008.

Release 1.13.0-rc2

Introducing the property allowing to format a number according to a parameter.
The popup form is now centered  such that the submit /cancel buttons are not being hidden. 


  • IGRID-2535 - Property "gd.displaycondition" has illegal value "NOT_EMPTY".

  • IGRID-2473 - Center the pop-up form on the screen

  • IGRID-2113 -

  • IGRID-2435 - Default grid configuration should have a larger 'status' list box in the popup form

  • IGRID-2509 - Replace welcome page with the new getting started page

GA Release 1.13.0

  • Reviewed compatibiity with JIRA 6.2