Release Notes - Version 1.19

Version 1.19.0

Released 8 April 2016


The 1.19 release is mostly focused on extending the existing features and making the overall user experience better. We addressed a long-awaiting problems such as validation of the grid data on a transition screen and simplified the process of adding data to the grid table by external software. The major deliveries of this release are



Bugs fixed in this release

  • IGRID-3393 - List value is not changed after cell editing in latest Firefox

  • IGRID-3420 - The Add Rows API call has to make grid visible on the issue

  • IGRID-3424 - getting started page references

  • IGRID-3432 - Turkish characters are not read correctly from TEXT column of PostgreSQL on Windows

  • IGRID-3461 - Grid is built and rendered at least twice

  • IGRID-3467 - Single quotes are not escaped when expanding query parameters

  • IGRID-3468 - Create a wired test to cover Reload API call behaviour with gd.keepOnRefresh

  • IGRID-3469 - gd.query is broken in some cases in 1.18.2

  • IGRID-3470 - Formula values are not recalculated after change of the grid configuration

  • IGRID-3476 - Static data is not populated on grid reload

  • IGRID-3483 - {issue:components} and {parent:components} are not populated in edit mode