Release notes - Version 1.3

Version 1.3.8 - Minor bug fix release

1.3.8-j420 and 1.3.8-j440

* [IGRID-729] Perfect valid evaluation license is interpreted as expired


Some more bug fixes for the j500 release

* [IGRID-749] Customfield value cannot be determined * [IGRID-744] gd.query.ds selectes the wrong database * [IGRID-729] Perfect valid evaluation license is interpreted as expired

Version 1.3.3 - The one where the grid editor enters the marketplace

We had two main objectives with this release

  1. Marketplace enable the add-on.
    The grid editor is now a commercial add-on which you can purchase through Atlassian.

  2. Allow for in place creation of grid tables
    The most requested feature (until now) is the ability to store the grid table in the same database as JIRA. This way, there is no need to configure a separate database for storing the data. Check out the gd.ds=jira property.

Bug * [IGRID-457] - Duplicate row doesn't duplicate read only columns * [IGRID-517] - defaultValue is not respected on lists * [IGRID-547] - Wordwrapping doesn't work with URL (due to that , URL link can't be used) * [IGRID-552] - Reloading a reformatted full screen grid collapses the full screen view * [IGRID-577] - Strange behaviour in grid Width * [IGRID-579] - Bug with a grid configuration * [IGRID-595] - Runtime SQL errors are not catched ... * [IGRID-596] - Adding entries using the edit form works but is not displayed * [IGRID-611] - Sometimes database connection is not correctly restored * [IGRID-615] - Stacktrace when accessing license page once that UPM 2.0 is installed * [IGRID-632] - maxlength property for string and textarea doesn't work * [IGRID-650] - Nullpointer exception when saving configuration * [IGRID-652] - Not able to create a grid table. * [IGRID-658] - Session blocks * [IGRID-675] - Custom-field based grids do not work well * [IGRID-680] - Class not found exception when upgrading plugin to version 1.3.2 * [IGRID-682] - Stacktrace when executing a search * [IGRID-683] - Cannot uninstall license * [IGRID-685] - Grid Export botched. * [IGRID-687] - enabling the table grid editor has a negative functional impact on other plugins ** Improvement * [IGRID-420] - Make tablegrid plugin UPM2.0 compatible * [IGRID-422] - Read only fields should also be available on the edit record popup form * [IGRID-423] - Ensure that the idalko plugin has it's own section in the plugin page on version 4.4 and higher * [IGRID-437] - Detect the inappropriate use of reserved words in the grid configuration * [IGRID-463] - I should be able to install the plugin through the UPM without restarting JIRA * [IGRID-495] - gridds = JIRA * [IGRID-614] - separate out the idalko license facility from the marketplace license facility * [IGRID-670] - Reduce number of hibernate threads to avoid permgen memory pressure