Release Notes - version 1.10

You can count on it !

(Release date 1.10.3 - Aug 11, 2013) 

With version 1.10 we introduce the capability to calculate values when entering data into the grid.
Just like a spreadsheet where columns are calculated based on values entered in other columns.

The grid supports a large array of formulas such as

Plain arithmetic

col.linetotal.formula={weight} * {shipprice} * 1.10


# strings can be concatenated

col.label.type = string
col.label.formula = {company} + " " + {shipaddress} + " " + {contactperson} + " " + {weight} + "lbs"


col.linetotal.formula=if( {shipaddress} =~ ["London", "Birmingham"]) { {weight} * {shipprice} * 1.10 } else {{weight} * {shipprice} * 1.50 }


The formal specification can be found on Formula - formal syntax specifications and of course, examples are always helpfull : Formula - Examples 

Bug fixes and improvements

  • IGRID-1569 - columnid is not always case insensitive

  • IGRID-1826 - Sonar reports critical violations

  • IGRID-1845 - Default value applies instead of null after "Insert Rows" while updating/creating issue

  • IGRID-1853 - Checkbox can not be incell-edited in edit mode

  • IGRID-1859 - Strange number column value conversion while persisting

  • IGRID-1866 - Checkbox doesn't work when

  • IGRID-1867 - No grids on view issue page for IE9

  • IGRID-1869 - Changing tablename for DTG brings to unpredictable table usage [IGRID-1883] - Data loss scenario reappears

  • IGRID-1737 - Add prefixes to column input ids to avoid collisions with JIRA HTML element ids

  • IGRID-1813 - Redirect for "Log In" button

  • IGRID-1819 - Performance improvements for calculated columns

  • IGRID-1882 - Summary is not rounded

  • IGRID-1961 - Inline edit shows content of previous inline edit

  • IGRID-1962 - Grid doesn't display in JIRA 5.0.7 (standalone)

  • IGRID-1971 - Sequence is not properly updated

  • IGRID-1987 - Grid hangs up pages on IE8 (JIRA6)

  • IGRID-1989 - Remove description, environment, comments from data (rest) call


Version 1.10.2

Released Aug 19, 2013

  • IGRID-2003 - IGRID-555 and IGRID-1961 incompatibility


Version 1.10.3

Released Aug 30, 2013

  • IGRID-2032 - Tabbing looses focus if cell is editing

  • IGRID-2042 - TGE disables the Sprint area in greenhopper


Version 1.10.4

Released Sept 17, 2013

  • IGRID-2101 - Plugin disables wallboards

  • IGRID-2107 - Scrollbars when inline editing a grid - 1.10 version

  • IGRID-2109 - uniqueSequence not working - numbering not initializing to 1 (1.10 version)