

Install the plugin using the Universal Plugin Manager

Check out the Atlassian documentation to find out how to add a plugin. Search for the Table Grid Editor add-on and press install or download it directly from the plugin exchange.

Security aspect

Grids created with the add-on might be vulnerable for XSS attacks.  When using these grids in a security sensitive environment (such when accessible through the internet), make sure to use gd.enableXSSValidation property.  This will disable any script code which might be injected into the grid cells.  If in doubt - please contact us.

Table grid data backup

As JIRA administrator you must be aware that the data stored in the grid table is NOT included in the xml backup.

The reason is that the grid table can be stored in any database, and not necessary in the JIRA database. 

Secondly, even Atlassian is indicating that for production systems, you should rely on the native database backup tools instead of JIRA's XML backup service. Check this document for more details.  

Please be sure to include the table grid data to your disaster recovery procedure and thoroughly test it.  In case of doubt, check with your Atlassian Solution Partner, or contact us.


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