Configuration explained

Configuration explained

The grid is configured through the 'default value' of the custom field. This allows you to setup multiple types of grids.

To configure the grid you need to specify properties for various items. This article shows an introductory configuration of a Family list grid. You will get an idea of the add-on capabilities.

Define grid columns

Every grid configuration starts with the definition of the columns: use gd.columns property to set columns.

gd.columns=name, dob, gender, relation

name, dob, gender, relation are the column id's used to specify the behavior for each column. Use column details properties to define the column.

Set up a simple column containing the first name

All properties related to the name column are prefixed with col.name

col.name=First name col.name.type=string col.name.width = 40

  • First name is the column heading or label. You can change it any way you want.

  • col.name.type is the type of the column, in this case 'string'

  • col.name.width is the column's width in pixels

Setup a date column containing the date of birth

All properties related to the dob(date of birth) column are prefixed with col.dob

col.dob=Date of Birth col.dob.type=date col.dob.width=30 col.dob.sortable=true

  • col.dob.type=date indicates that the column will hold dates

  • col.dob.width is the width of the column

  • col.dob.sortable is a property which specifies if the user can sort on this column, by clicking on the header.

Setup a column containing 2 radio buttons (male / female) for the gender

All properties related to the gender column are prefixed with col.gender

  • col.gender.editable  allows you to indicate if a column should be writable (=true) or not (=false). The default value is 'true'. 

  • col.gender.type=radio defines the column type as radio buttons

  • col.gender.list.size=2 defines the list of 2 radio buttons.

  • col.gender.name1=Male is the label of the first radio button

  • col.gender.value1=M is the value which will be stored in the database

  • col.gender.name2=Female, col.gender.value2=F is the label and value for the second radio button.

Setup a column containing a static list for the role

All properties related to the relation column are prefixed with col.relation. 

  • col.relation.type = list defines the column type as list

  • col.relation.list.size=4 sets the number of values in the list

  • col.relation.name1=Father, col.relation.value1=Dad sets the first name and value pair to Father and Dad

  • col.relation.name2=Mother, col.relation.value2=Mom sets the second name and value pair to Mother and Mom 

  • col.relation.name3=Son, col.relation.value3=S sets the third name and value pair to Son and S

  • col.relation.name4=Daughter, col.relation.value4=D sets the fourth name and value pair to Daughter and D

You can also populate lists using a query which retrieves values from a database. Find more detail on how to connect grid to a database.