Datasource Specifications

Datasource Specifications


The datasource specifications allow to specify how grids should be connected to databases. By separating out these connection details it is possible to

  • Stage grid configurations from a test environment to a production environment

  • Hide the password allowing to access the database

  • Reuse a connection in multiple grids


Manage data sources

The data source administration pages can be found under the table grid add-on configuration pages.

JIRA Version

Location of the table grid addon configuration pages

JIRA Version

Location of the table grid addon configuration pages


Administration -> Plugins -> Table Grid Editor -> Data Sources admin


Gear box in the top bar -> Add Ons -> Table Grid Editor -> Data Sources admin


Create / modify / delete

You  can add/modify/delete data source in the Data Source Admin under Add-ons - Table Grid Editor

Add a data source specification

You can select one of the supported databases when adding the data source.  Depending on this choice
different parameters can be provided.  Check with your database administrator in case of doubt. 

type = MySQL

type = Postgress

type = Oracle

type = MS SQL

type = SYBASE

type = MySQL

type = Postgress

type = Oracle

type = MS SQL

type = SYBASE

  • Password will never be shown on the screen

  • The id of the data source specification must be unique, and should only contain ascii characters (excluding punctuation, white space and so on)

Test the connection

You can test connection to check if the configuration is correct.  

  • There is no explicit indication that the connection fails due to authentication errors (such as wrong password or userid)

  • The test connection is not validating that the user has the appropriate rights (create table, read / write)


Modify a connection

  • You can update the connection password

  • You cannot change the connection id when modifying

Delete a connection

  • There is no check if a datasource specification is being referenced from grid configurations.
    If a specification, which is in use, the referencing grid(s) will show a connection error the next time they are being used. 


Using the data sources in the grid configuration

The data source specification can be used in following properties

  • gd.ds
    This property specifies where the grid content must be stored.

  • gd.query.ds 
    This property specifies where the grid content must run the gd.query.

  • col.xyz.query.ds
    This property specifies where the content of a dynamic list should be retrieved.


Some additional notes 

  • Inner specifications are data source specifications defined in the grid configuration using the datasource.names
    and ds.xyz.connection properties.

  • Admin specifications are data source specifications which are defined in the data sources admin forms.

  • When an admin specification has the same id as an inner specification, the inner specification will have priority

  • gridds is the default name where tables are stored when no gd.ds is specified.  An admin specification with the name 'gridds'
    will not be used.

  • jira is a reserved name.

  • You can change datasource configuration directly in the Jira database: the configuration is stored in the database table called AO_272C37_DSSENTRY 


Internal Java drivers to manage Data Source connections

type = MySQL

type = Postgress

type = Oracle

type = MS SQL

type = SYBASE

type = MySQL

type = Postgress

type = Oracle

type = MS SQL

type = SYBASE




