Using list values in formulas
Using list values in formulas
(This feature is supported on version 1.11 and higher of the add-on)
Use case
Assume that you want to create a grid to enter line items on a quote (for instance to quote expensive cars)
The grid should allow the user to select from a drop down list a product, price and description are automatically set:
A total is calculated once that a unit is set
Grid configuration
The custom field itself can be configured as follows
# Define main grid parameters such as columns and where the table must be stored
gd.columns = product, idescription, price, unit, total
gd.ds = jira
gd.tablename = carquote
# The product is a dynamic list, containing the product, the price and the description
# Note that the id is added for references purpose
col.product = Product
col.product.type = list
col.product.query = select product, id, price, idescription from products_d4
col.product.query.ds = jira
col.product.width = 400
# The price is retrieved from the product list (the price attribute)
col.price = Price
col.price.type = number
col.price.formula = {product.price}
col.price.width = 100
# The description is retrieved from the product list (the description attribute)
# note that the description is declared as a string, and that only the first 255 chars will be displayed
# (textarea's have no formula support)
col.idescription = Description
col.idescription.type = string
col.idescription.formula = {product.idescription}
# The unit is just a plain integer field, which can be entered by the user
col.unit = Unit
col.unit.type = integer
col.unit.minValue = 1
col.unit.maxValue = 4
col.unit.width = 100
# The total is calculated from the unit and the price.
# Note {price} references the value of the price column, while {product.price} references the value of the price attribute of the selected product.
col.total = Total
col.total.type = number
col.total.formula = {price} * {unit}
col.total.width = 100
Driving table configuration
Although not strictly necessary for this use case, you can use JIRA to host the driving table containing all the products the user can choose from.
Check the driving table configuration example
gd.columns = product, price, idescription
gd.ds = jira
gd.tablename = products
col.product = Product
col.product.type = string
col.product.required = true
col.product.width = 200
col.price = Price
col.price.type = number
col.idescription = Description
col.idescription.type = textarea
col.idescription.rows = 5
col.idescription.cols = 50