Service Desk onboarding a new team member

This page shows one of the possible use cases of the Table Grid Next Generation for Jira Cloud on Service Desk.

You will learn how to:


Onboarding comes with an extended to-do list and some basic info about the new employee. It starts from the creating a request with a list of tasks to be completed when a new employee starts. You have to ensure that there is a transition between departments while providing access to relevant information at every level. Therefore, we recommend using a grid in Service Desk request.


  • User logged into their account, installed Table Grid Next Generation app

  • User created a related Jira project

  • User had the admin role on Jira 


  • User can use the grid to update related information for the list of items.

  • User can download/upload the Configuration for personal usage


  • Required fields are marked with a red asterisk *

  • The grid must contain at least one column

  • The grid can be displayed in more than one project

  • User can download/upload the config for future usage in other project/issues.

  • When adding new columns or save the configuration, user need to reindex JIRA in order to changes to take effect.

  • When clicking the box Cell value required, user need to fill the information in the cell.

Flow chart diagram



Creating Service Desk onboarding configuration

Basic Flow




In Projects, click Create Project



Fill all the related information about project.

In this example, writer use Test 2 for Name and T2 for Key


Navigate to Jira Administration by clicking button 


Click Manage Apps, in Table Grid section choose Grids 


In Grid Fields, click Add Grid button to add new grid


Fill information for “Name” and “Description” 

In this example, writer used

  • Name = “Onboarding details

  • Description = “Onboarding details

In Scopes, choose your projects, issue types and service request type.

In this example, writer use TS for Projects, Issue Types and Onboard new employees for Service Desk Request Types.


In Configuration - Column, click Add new column to create new column


In Add Column, choose Sequence in Column type


User fill information for Identifier and Title

In this example, writer used “jseq“ as Identifier and type “Order” as column Title



Click Add to save the information 


Click Add new column to create new column


In Add Column, choose String in Column type


User fill information for Identifier and Title

Type “jsubject“ as Identifier and type “Subject” as Title



Click Add to save the information 


In Add Column, choose String in Column type

Type “jdetails“ as Identifier and type “Details” as Title



Click Add to save the column information 


User click Save button to save the columns information

Grid configuration file

To go faster you can import this grid configuration =

Exceptional Flow

Users delete all columns

Continued from step #16 in the Basic Flow:




The system shows a pop-up message: “Grid name is required. Please set the name of your Grid., table-config-column-config-required

Use case stops. 


Users click “Cancel” when saving the config

Continued from step #17 in the Basic Flow:




The system shows a pop-up message: “Exit without saving?”


User click Yes button

Use case stops. 

Apply the grid on Service Desk screen

In Project Test 2, click Channel → Click Portal to proceed next step.


Fill information for Summary and Select a system,


Your grid will be displayed like the example below. Click Send button then your request ticket will be created.

Final result should look like this