Version 1.12.1
Released: 24 March 2021
TGNG-834 | Added support of View fields |
Bug fixes
TGNG-1168 | Fixed bug where TGMT wasn't compatible with TGNG 1.12.0 |
TGNG-1191 | Fixed bug where grids weren't rendered after removing a data receiver |
TGNG-1015 | Fixed bug with a blank page shown when saving default value for Date/DateTime/Time columns |
TGNG-1049 | Fixed bug where zeroes were deleted in String columns |
TGNG-1118 | Fixed bug with dates imported incorrectly from Excel |
TGNG-1121 | Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to add links to description fields |
TGNG-1123 | Fixed bug where Single Select List and Multi Select List dynamic options were updated with an error from an SQL datasource |
TGNG-1143 | Fixed bug where Dynamic options were not retrieved with a Java API call |
TGNG-1145 | Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to add a MySQL8 database as a datasource |
TGNG-1166 | Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to add an empty value with an API call to a Single Select List column |
TGNG-898 | Fixed bug where a JQL query IS NOT EMPTY wasn't working |
TGNG-1172 | Fixed bug where Driving tables were displayed as grid fields |