Grid Display Parameters

Grid Display Parameters

You can specify grid display format (height, width, ...) using these properties.

The parameters have an effect on each other.  The plugin tries to show as much information as possible, avoiding the need to display horizontal or vertical scroll bars.  There are many different factors that influence this layout.  The Grid layout components provide some insights.

The priorities of the parameters are as follows

  • gd.maxDisplayGridHeight has always more priority than gd.minDisplayRowCount 
    if the the row height=1 and gd.minDisplayRowCount=10 then the grid height should be at least 10, but
    if gd.maxDisplayGridHeight=5, then the height of grid will be 5.
    The gd.minDisplayRowCount rule is be overriden by the maxDisplayGridHeight rule.

  • gd.minDisplayGridHeight has always more priority than gd.maxDisplayRowCount.
    if gd.minDisplayGridHeight = 100, gd.maxDisplayRowCount=3 and gd.minDisplayRowHeight=5, then the resulting grid height is 100

  • gd.maxDisplayGridHeight has more priority than gd.minDisplayRowHeight