Comment | As explained in Grid reload, rows in a grid can be refreshed by either clicking on the reload toolbar button, or by modifying a value of a dependent customfield. The grid will then reload the data as detailed in the gd.query. The parameter gd.query.reloadTrigger allows to trigger reload action automatically on issue view or update. gd.query.reloadTrigger = view The grid will be reloaded on grid view (when issue with grid field is viewed or on Issue Search screen) gd.query.reloadTrigger = update The grid will be reloaded on update of any field of the issue. It can be any standard field (assignee, priority) or customfield. Update of the grid itself is ignored. We suppose that if you are updating the grid manually you don't want Table Grid to ovewrite your changes Since grid will be reloaded automatically with "view" or "update" options selected we highly recommend you to make the grid readonly to avoid unexpected data loss. Selecting "gd.query.reloadTrigger=view" or "gd.query.reloadTrigger=update" can cause extra load on your database. In order to prevent uncontrolled sprawl of the database "gd.query.keepOnRefresh=all" option is not supported along with "gd.query.reloadTrigger=view" or "gd.query.reloadTrigger=update". In case of such configuration default value "modified" will be used for "gd.query.keepOnRefresh" gd.query.reloadTrigger = disabled The grid will not be reloaded automatically