

Rich Table functionality

Enrich your JIRA system by adding tabular fields allowing to view and edit data stored in any database.

Supported column types 


    • String

    • Text Area

    • Date

    • Number (with min and maximum field validation)

    • Sequence (using unique values for all instances of the grid)

    • Check box

    • Radio button

    • Lists  (fixed or dynamic)

Totalling, sorting filtering and formulas

  • When a column contains numbers, the grid can calculate the sum or the average.

  • Every column can be filtered, something which comes in handy when the grid has many entries.

  • Each column is sortable 

  • Entries in columns can be calculated by using formulas

Dynamic and cascading lists

The content of a drop down list can be dyamically build and can as such vary, based upon another field value
Cascading lists are columns where the content of one list depends on the selection of another list. Multiple cascades are possible. More details.

Grid initialization

A table grid can be automatically filled with initial rows and values (like a template).

And this initialization can be context sensitive, being: based on a value in an issue field (e.g. issue type) another initialization (template) is loaded. More details.

CSV import

You can import data from .CSV files into the grid. 

Check the documentation for more details.

Many ways to use/edit the table

  • in line editing

  • edit in pop-up

  • multi line add/delete

  • Full screen option

  • ---and read only support

  • Criteria based grid search

You can specify a JQL using the grid function, allowing you to select these issues
with particular values (or combination of values) in the grid 

For instance

Or more advanced queries

Example of a criteria based grid search

issue in grid ("checklist", "status = 'Open' and due < now()")

Check for more details the page about the Criteria based grid search.

For Administrators

Database support

  • Mysql

  • Postgresql

  • Oracle

  • Microsoft SQL Server

  • Sybase

Easy Configuration

As an administrator you can configure a custom field of type 'Table Grid Field' like any other custom field.

The grid is highly customizable through the standard custom field configuration facility. There are more than 60 different configuration options available.

All data is stored in a table associated to the custom field itself, together with relevant JIRA issue information, ready to be used in other applications.

Look-up tables

A look-up table contains a list of information which can be reused in grids.  For example - a list of products your company sells, or a list of country codes and names, questions in a survey, to name a few.

Use the driving table editor to create and manage these lists


More details on how to setup and configure these driving tables are detailed in the Driving Tables documentation page

Connections to external databases

Cconnections to external databases can be managed through the data source administration.

Check data source specification for more details.