Values in columns are stored in the following format:
- Checkboxes are stored as booleans.
- Integers, Numbers, Dates, DateTimes and Times are stored as numbers. Values of Date, DateTime and Time columns are stored in Unix time format in milliseconds.
- Strings, Textareas, Single Select Lists and Sequences are stored as strings. Value of a single select list is a string containing a selected item's title.
- Multi Select Lists are stored as lists of strings containing titles of selected items.
- Formulas are stored as numbers or strings depending on return type.
- Userlists are stored as Maps with the following entries:
- "key" contains user key, which uniquely identifies a user.
"key" may be missing if a user could not be found.
When using "Add Grid Data" or "Update Grid Data" methods, "key" MUST be provided, and the rest of the entries are optional. - "username" contains user's username.
- "value" contains user's full name.
- "avatar" contains a link to user's avatar.
The term empty value refers to nulls, empty strings and empty lists.