Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

As far as you know, in 1.2.0 release Filtering was added. Now you can easily filter data in the table. 

This article shows available filtering options, their descriptions, and usage.

Filters support expressions in all available column types.

Filtering options

  • search: type a search term to see all values containing 
  • true/false: type true or false to see the values containing
  • expressions: >/</=/range

Filters usage 

  • String: if value contains search term ignoring case
  • Number: =, >, <, range
  • Integer: =, >, <, range
  • Date: =, >, <, range(must match date format)
  • DateTime: =, >, <, range(must match date format)
  • Time: =, >, <, range(must match exact time format)
  • List: if value contains search term ignoring case
  • Checkbox: true or false
  • Userlist: by typing part of username ignoring case

Expressions examples

>a, <b, =n, where a,b,n are column vales 

true/false  - shows checked/unchecked rows 

less than