import groovy.json.JsonSlurper;
import groovy.json.StreamingJsonBuilder;
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.CustomFieldManager;
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.CustomField;
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.IssueManager;
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor;
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue;
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.MutableIssue;
import com.atlassian.jira.user.util.UserManager;
import com.atlassian.jira.jql.parser.JqlQueryParser;
import com.atlassian.jira.web.bean.PagerFilter;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import groovy.json.*;
// Authorization
String authorizationStringServer = "Basic ="
String authorizationStringCloud = "Basic ="
String authorizationStringCloudAccountID = "Basic =="
// Grid IDs
String gridCustomFieldIdServer = 1
String gridIdCloud = "-"
String jiraBaseURLServer = "http://---"
String jqlQuery = '------'
//IssueManager issueManager = ComponentAccessor.getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType(IssueManager.class);
//Collection<Long> ids = issueManager.getIssueIdsForProject(projectId); // Get all issue IDs by the Project ID
//Collection<Issue> issues = issueManager.getIssueObjects(ids);
StringBuilder responses = new StringBuilder()
def searchService = ComponentAccessor.getComponent(SearchService)
def loggedInUser = ComponentAccessor.getJiraAuthenticationContext().getLoggedInUser()
def queryParser = ComponentAccessor.getComponent(JqlQueryParser)
def sb = new StringBuffer()
//your query goes here
def query = queryParser.parseQuery(jqlQuery)
//gets results of query
def search =, query, PagerFilter.getUnlimitedFilter())
//iterate over each returned issue
Collection<Issue> issues = search.results.key
for (String issue : issues){
String issueKey = issue
//String issueKey = issue.getKey()
def baseURL = jiraBaseURLServer + "/rest/idalko-grid/1.0/api/grid/" + gridCustomFieldIdServer + "/issue/" + issueKey;
def baseURL2 = "" + gridIdCloud + "/issue/" + issueKey;
def instanceName = "----"
//Getting the Grid information from the Data Center Jira instance
URL url;
url = new URL(baseURL);
URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", authorizationStringServer)
connection.doOutput = true
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8")
String serverData = connection.getInputStream().getText()
def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
def object = jsonSlurper.parseText(serverData)
Long gridRowsinCloud = -1; //create variable with invalid value just to signal exception and skip condition if failed
try {
// Geting Grid info from Cloud to see if it was already uploaded (avoid duplicates)
URL url3;
url3 = new URL(baseURL2);
URLConnection connection3 = url3.openConnection();
connection3.doOutput = true
connection3.setRequestProperty("Authorization", authorizationStringCloud)
responseCode = connection3.getResponseCode()
if(responseCode != 200){
responseMessage = connection3.getErrorStream().text;
String cloudData = connection3.getInputStream().getText();
def jsonSlurperAccount = new JsonSlurper()
def cloudjson = jsonSlurperAccount.parseText(cloudData)
//Long gridRowsinServer = object.rows.size();
gridRowsinCloud = cloudjson.rows.size(); //if it works, change value of variable
} catch( ex) {
responses.append("!! exception !!");
// check if data was already uploaded
if(gridRowsinCloud == 0){
//if(gridRowsinServer > 0 && gridRowsinCloud == 0){
// Formatting the output so that it fits the POST request body formatting requirements
object.remove("customFieldId") //Removing Grid ID since does not need to be passed in the request body
object.rows.each { e -> //Going through all of the rows from the response
e.remove("order") // Removing order index
e.remove("rowId") // Removing Row ID since it will be automatically assigned
e.columns.each{ key, value -> // Unpacking the "columns" section into the previous level of JSON structure
if(value != null || !value.toString().equals("{}") || value != ""){
if(value instanceof String){
e.put(key, value)
}else if(value instanceof org.apache.groovy.json.internal.LazyMap){
// Get user email to match with user in Cloud
def userManager = ComponentAccessor.getUserManager()
def user = userManager.getUserByName(value.username)
if(user != null){
String email = user.getEmailAddress()
// Getting new user info from Cloud based on email
URL urlAccountID
urlAccountID = new URL("https://${instanceName}" + email.replace(" ","%20"));
URLConnection connection4 = urlAccountID.openConnection();
connection4.setRequestProperty("Authorization", authorizationStringCloudAccountID)
connection4.doOutput = true
String cloudData1 = connection4.getInputStream().getText()
def jsonSlurperAccount1 = new JsonSlurper()
def objectAccount1 = jsonSlurperAccount1.parseText(cloudData1)
if(objectAccount1[0] != null){
e.put(key, jsonSlurperAccount1.parseText('{"accountId":"' + objectAccount1[0].accountId+'"}'))
e.put(key, value.label)
}else if(value.toString().length() != 2){
e.put(key, value.value)
e.remove("columns") // Removing the packed "columns" section as it is redundant and breaks the formatting
e.remove("Item Number") // Remove SEQUENCE type column from the data load
try {
// Uploading the grid data to the Cloud
URL url2;
url2 = new URL(baseURL2);
URLConnection connection2 = url2.openConnection();
connection2.doOutput = true
connection2.setRequestProperty("Authorization", authorizationStringCloud)
connection2.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8")
connection2.outputStream.withWriter("UTF-8") { new StreamingJsonBuilder(it, object) }
responseCode = connection2.getResponseCode()
if(responseCode != 201){
responseMessage = connection2.getErrorStream().text + JsonOutput.toJson(object);
responseMessage = connection2.getResponseMessage();
responses.append( " || IssueKey: " + issueKey +
" ResponseCode:" + responseCode +
" ResponseMessage:" + responseMessage)
} catch( ex) {
responses.append("!! exception !!");
return responses |