Released: 08 October 06 December 2022
TGNGUI-1345 | Added a possibility to select a value for the list column using arrows and the 'Enter' key |
Bug fixes
TGNG-1488 | Fixed the “Open file limit” issue |
TGNG-1502 | Fixed the issue with changing the default value |
TGNGUI-1250 | Fixed the issue with the first entered value being duplicated when tabbing over the column |
TGNGUI-1268 | Fixed the problems with rendering lists |
TGNGUI-1336 | Fixed the issue with handling titles with the long name |
TGNGUI-1346 | Fixed the issue with selecting items for the attachment column by pressing "Enter" |
TGNGUI-1349 | Fixed the hidden icons for the select lists when the dropdown was opened |
TGNGUI-1350 | Fixed the overlapping issue in the "Required column" |
TGNGUI-1351 | Fixed the checkbox issue on the firstly created grid configs |
TGNGUI-1352 | Fixed the issue with the single select list column hiding top listed values for the lower rows |
TGNGUI-1355 | Added a year option to the date type column |
TGNGUI-1356 | Fixed the issue with the multi-select list column type errors |
TGNGUI-1360 | Fixed the shifted drop-down after uploading the attachment |
TGNGUI-1361 | Fixed the issues with drop-downs with pre-selected values and in the lowest lines |
TGNGUI-1362 | Fixed the value in the attachment column being cropped when the name of the uploaded file is longer than 2-3 words |
TGNGUI-1364 | Fixed the issue where the default value kept changing |
TGNGUI-1365 | Fixed the problem with creating an issue with default values in required cells |
TGNGUI-1368 | Fixed the date format localization |
TGNGUI-1370 | Fixed the Move up/down button on grid configs |
TGNGUI-1383 | Fixed the error “Uncaught TypeError: classString.contains is not a function" |
TGNGUI-1389 | Fixed the error ”Minified React error #31” when clicking on Select list cell |