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First steps with Table Grid in Jira Cloud. Let's go and create a table to structure your data together!

First steps with Table Grid in JIRA Cloud

Table Grid for Cloud offers a user-friendly solution for tables in JIRA Cloud. It allows you to gather and structure your data related to an issue in one single table. Let

Grids Types

With Table Grid application you can create two types of table grids for different purposes: 

  • Grid fields
  • View fields

The main difference between them is the ability to edit grid content from the issue view.

Add a Grid Field if the data in the grid should be modified from the issue view or if you want to populate the data manually. 

Use a View Field if the table grid is used for demonstration purposes only.

Now let's go and create a table some tables to structure your data together!

List of Grids

Once the plugin is installed, on the Administration page left menu bar, a separate block called 'Table Grid' with one link 'Grids' will appear. 'Grids' is what we call our tables. When you click this link, it will lead you to the page where all the grids for all projects and issues can be configured. Grid Fields tab contains a list of Grid fields and View fields tab contains a list of View fields.

This is where we go to create our first grid.

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Once you've installed the plugin, your list both lists of grids is are obviously empty. However, not for long as we're up to change it by clicking the blue button in the right corner 'Add Grid'.

Create a Grid

This is the page which that will help you configure your first grid.

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Firstly, give a name and description for your new grid, it will help you distinguish your table and give a hint of its purpose once you have multiple grids in your JIRA.

Secondly, since you may want to display your grid only for specific projects and issue types, you need to define them in the 'Scope' section. These are the projects and issue types where the grid will be displayed.

By default, the field is already filled with some basic configuration for your convenience which you can easily adjust to your needs. Image Removed

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That's it for the configurations. You can click Save.

Grid on issue view

To see your Grid on the issue view, create an issue within the respective project and relevant issue type, then enjoy the fruits of your hard work!

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Oh, wait... We still need to fill up our grid with data. Just click the  Edit Grid icon in the top right corner of the grid. It will open the edit mode for you.  

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In the edit mode you can add more rows by clicking Add row. Use inline editing to fill them up, and save the data by clicking the check mark in the bottom right corner of the grid whenever you're ready

Create a View Field

Now let's take a look at the other type of grid - View Field. This grid cannot be edited from the issue view, it is mostly used to show grid data to customers, or project members that don't need to have editing access. 

To add a View Field grid, go back to Grids menu tab and switch to the View Fields tab. In the top right corner click the "Add View Field" button.

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The next step is very similar to the Grid Field creation. Give the grid a name and description and select project scope. 

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Now, the most important thing is to populate the table grid with the data you want to demonstrate. You can add content to the View Field table from the external databases using Data Sources tabRead more information about Data Sources and how to connect a data source.

Once you have added a data source, configure required columns and switch to the Data Receiver tab. Here you can connect the data source to your table and map the columns of the external database with your newly created table columns.

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That's it, hit "Save" and check out how it looks on the issue view.

View Field on issue view

To see the View Field grid on the issue view, create an issue within the respective project and relevant issue type and check it out. Your View Field grid in read-only mode is available for demonstration.

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That's how easy it is!

In future versions, we plan to significantly extend the functionality of the grid. We'll support different database sources, additional data types, and use of formulas. Don't miss our updates!

Still have questions? Visit User guides page for more details.

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